The Secret Place

Much of modern Christianity has become something we practice rather than who we are. Too often our Christian instruction focuses on what we need to do, what we are not doing, or what we should have done. Thus creating an environment of lack, loss, regret and guilt. Unhealthy emotions produces an unhealthy psyche. The enemy of our soul then has greater access to our mind with the intent to kill, steal, and destroy. (John 10:10) If he is successful, a life of love, joy and peace is thwarted. Jesus desire for us to live “life in abundance,” becomes elusive. (Galatians 5:22)

It has been said that the Bible is more accurately viewed as a collection of God’s love letters to His children. With this in mind, meditating on scripture becomes a journey of discovery. A search for the precious jewels of God’s ways, His character, and His plans and desires for me, His child. “I have made known to them your name (character) and I will continue to make it known..” (John 17:26) “In the beginning was the word…and the word became flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:1,14) Jesus, the Word, connects us to our Creator. (John 17:22, 23) He is the Living Word…not a dead book of laws. Holy Spirit is an honest, faithful friend who leads us into truth. (John 16:13) Submission becomes a desired end as we commune with Him.

The Apostle John in chapter 15 tells us there is only one way to bear much fruit that remains. That is to abide in God. To dwell in, be present in, remain in Him. This is both a decision and a lifestyle. We must not turn the love letters of scripture into a religious book of principles. It is the daily, vital, intimate fellowship with God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – that fills us, transforms us, and enlivens us thereby producing much fruit! “You search the scriptures in hope of finding eternal life, but they bear witness to me!” (John 5:39) God Himself is the fertile soil of growth. There is no substitute. Abiding…dwelling…living in Him. So elementary, yet so difficult in our over-stimulating world. There is much that diverts our attention to keep us out of “His secret place”. That quiet place where I look at Him and He looks at me.

And just exactly what is this secret place? “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” (Psalm 91:1) I have come to realize that it is the person of Jesus Christ. The New Testament declares that our lives are hid with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:3) A hidden place is a secret place. What is hid is safe. He is our hiding place in God. “For you are my hiding place; you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory.” (Psalm 32:7)

When we are resting in Jesus we are protected from the life draining attacks of the devil. We are still attacked, but the life of God cannot be stolen. Since we are “in him” we are also in the Father where nothing and no one can snatch us away. (John 10:29) It is this place of blissful security, where I can come boldly into His presence to receive grace, that growth and fruit can happen! (Hebrews 4:16)

Oh Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! I will come away with you where You can see my face and hear my voice and where I can gaze upon Your beauty!

Dear Pastor

Like many others, I have been seeking God in the midst of crisis. He alone is my source of wisdom, courage and catalyst for action. I have been watching pastors, prophets, evangelists, teachers and apostles to see their response to what the enemy is hurling at the world and more specifically the Church. Our foundations are being exposed. Our faith, or lack thereof, is being revealed. God is testing our resolve to stand up and speak out against the powers of darkness in the face of shaming, rejection and persecution.

The Church is his voice. THE CHURCH IS HIS VOICE! We are not called to be a nice voice. We are called to be a prophetic voice! Our message will stir up the ire of God’s enemies. If we are speaking out against the sins of this age, we WILL experience rejection, shaming, and persecution! My question to you, dear Pastor, is: “Do you want to be a friend of God or a friend of the God of this age? There is a weight on your shoulders to preach the whole truth of God’s word, not a watered down, feel good version that avoids conflict or confrontation of evil.

Daniel did not fear the King’s edict. He worshipped in the open risking his life. Peter, after threats and imprisonment, disobeyed the authorities and boldly preached the Gospel. When governments tread on God’s commands, that is the time to disobey. Is this not “taking up our cross and following Him”?

Finally, where is our faith concerning the power of God to protect and heal? Is he not the same yesterday, today, and forever? Psalm 91 is either true or not. My life is hid with Christ in God. And even if we should lose a battle in our fight, have we not won the war? Christ in me is to live, to die is gain! I am 67 years old with a COPD diagnosis and I am not afraid!

Let’s wake up and suit up with the full armor of God and boldly stand against threats, lies, plagues, propaganda, etc. Let’s heal the sick, cast out devils and raise the dead! This could be our finest hour…. or our saddest moment in the history of the church!


I have been praying, weeping, and wrestling over the present situation we are now facing in America.  Aroused from slumber, I have had my “woke” moment! Our beloved republic and the Church, it’s guardian, is in serious trouble. There are forces at work who promote fear, anger, chaos, confusion, control, deception, and division in the earth. And that is only the short list! Unfortunately I see the church, in a large part, under the same heavy cloud! 

The powers of darkness are gathering their forces against the children of light. Conditioned by the doctrines of the god of this age, and his immoral, deceptive foot soldiers, many church leaders and their congregants are obediently lining up in formation unwittingly hastening his agenda. For survival? Because of ignorance? Lacking fortitude? Fear? Compromise? 

Just recently Holy Spirit posed a question to me. “What are you willing to die for?” It caught me off guard, because after my initial heartbreak over the condition of our country,  my predominant emotion has been outrage. I’m still pondering the depth of this question. It almost feels like a weak response to the battle that looms before us. And yet we see Jesus, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising it’s shame, and is now at the right hand of God… 

We are in a battle to bring the Kingdom of God from heaven to earth. I have few answers for you. I do know that each of us need to seek out God’s assignment for ourselves in these days. Jesus made it plain that our lives are not our own. He also made it clear that we are to be both salt and light in this earth. And finally, to clarify, He reminded us that, “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in a God to the pulling down of strongholds.” Where is your voice? What is your assignment? Take up your cross, dear warrior of God, and follow Him!